Date September 12th

Horario Opening hours 8:30 am to 9 pm - includes fair and congress hours

Place Belo Horizonte - MG


Considered one of the biggest mining exhibitions in Latin America, EXPOSIBRAM gathers the mining production chain that actively participates with the main mining companies with global and national operations, suppliers of equipment and services, representatives of research institutions and universities, delegations companies and government agencies from different nations, class entities, companies and autarchies linked to the public sector, in addition to important executives and specialists from various segments to discuss topics related to the national and international mineral industry, in one place.

The event is scheduled to 2022, Sept. from12th to 15th, at the Pavilion Expominas located in Belo Horizonte (MG), organized by the Brazilian Mining Institute (IBRAM).

The Exhibition Area will have more than 13.000 sqm of construction, where the main mining companies with global operations and major suppliers of products and services will be represented. Besides that the main trends in technology, equipment, software and other products related to the mineral industry will be shown, in addition to data on investments and management.

Also the Brazilian Mining Congress attracts over 1.300 participants, including specialists, researchers, students and company representatives. The program will feature lectures, debates, talk shows with themes of political context, global socioeconomic, business perspectives, technology and innovations, environment, among others.

Numbers of the last face-to-face edition that took place in 2019:

+ 55.000 participants circulated in the event (22% more than in 2017)
+ 1.300 registered at the Brazilian Mining Congress
+ 400 Brazilian and foreign exhibitors
+ 29 participating countries

Event Information:

September 12th to 15th, 2022
8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. – Exhibition and Congress
Na In-person event
For more information: +55 (11) 2626-0637 |


Official Travel Agency

Sette Turismo
Rafaela Rates
+55 (31) 99234-1797

Lucas Davi
+55 (31) 98868-2772
(31) 3309-5038

Accommodation and Flight Packages:


Click here and access Exposibram Sponsorship Presentation.

For more information:

+55 31 2626-8036 | branch line 203
+55 11 95292-0570 | Carolina Gimenes

+55 31 2626-8036 | branch line 204
+55 11 99917-7282 | Daniela Ramalho

+55 31 2626-8036 | branch line 205
+55 11 97618-2662 | Josiane Soares


Coming soon! Fill up the form and get known the Opportunities to stand out your Companie.

Live – June, 30th at 9:00 a.m

Sign Up


Note: the Companies that are already registered to this live (previously schedule to May, 26th) don’t need to fill up this form again.


Exhibition’s Sales Start: 2022, February 22th
Sponsors and Associates: Sales Start 2022, February 22th
Exhibitors of EXPOSIBRAM 2019|2020 and 2021: Sales Start 2022, March 16th
New Companies: Sales Start 2022, April 6th

Area for mezzanine construction – same price, limited to 40% occupancy and available for booths over 50m².
External Area: Construction limit with coverage in the External Area of 40% of the occupancy.

Areas Description:

Only Space
Only Space is considered to be the space hired without any basic or turn-key assembly elements. Necessities like eletric energy or hidraulic installation will be charged separately and must be asked by the online system.

Basic Booths
Optional for 18sqm booths

Carpet will be provided, partitions in a modular system, spot lighting for every 3sqm of assembled area and a 500w socket per booth. Exhibitor company name applied on the standardized faceplate plate.

Special Booths (Turn-Key)
Optional for 18sqm booths

Carpet will be provided, partitions in a modular system, spot lighting for every 3sqm of assembled area, two 500w sockets per booth. Logo of the exhibiting company applied to the standardized faceplate and furniture according to the size of the stand.

External Area
Available only over 50sqm. Space hired without any basic or turn-key assembly elements

Booths Map: Click Here 

Exhibitor System: Click here 

+55 31 2626-8036 | branch line 203
+55 11 95292-0570 | Carolina Gimenes

+55 31 2626-8036 | branch line 204
+55 11 99917-7282 | Daniela Ramalho

+55 31 2626-8036 | branch line 205
+55 11 97618-2662 | Josiane Soares



September, 12th to 15th – from 13h To 21h
Click here to sign up (


The registration for visiting EXPOSIBRAM 2022 is individual and free and exclusive to professionals and students in the sector. Therefore, the presentation of a nominal business card or functional card may be required when registering at Expominas BH.

Technical or university level students in the areas of Mining and Metallurgy Engineering, Geology, Law and the Environment must present a school certificate.

Only people over 16 years old are allowed to enter.

As it is a business exhibition, access will not be allowed wearing shorts and flip-flops.

Due to the limited availability of parking spaces, we suggest that visitors use the subway. The Gameleira station gives direct access to EXPOMINAS-BH


Official Travel Agency

Sette Turismo
Rafaela Rates
+55 (31) 99234-1797

Lucas Davi
+55 (31) 98868-2772
(31) 3309-5038

Accommodation and Flight Packages:




Realization: September 12 to 15, 2022

September 11th: 9 am to 7 pm
September 12 to 15: 8 am to 6 pm


Target audience: professionals, technicians and students, from the public and private sector from all over Brazil and abroad.

Languages: Portuguese and English, simultaneous translation in all official congress sessions, except for technical lectures.


*Registration for professors, masters and Phd students.

**Registration for professionals over 65 years of age. Identification must be presented when picking up the credential.

***Registration for technical or university students in the areas of Mining and Metallurgy Engineering, Geology, Law and the Environment. It is necessary to attach proof of schooling to the registration form.


Lunch on the 13th, 14th and 15th of September

Congress Participant’s Material

Free access to the congress and exhibition

Note: The Congress Participant will receive the registration confirmation automatically by e-mail after confirmation of payment.


Official Travel Agency

Sette Turismo
Rafaela Rates
+55 (31) 99234-1797

Lucas Davi
+55 (31) 98868-2772
(31) 3309-5038

Accommodation and Flight Packages:



Use the opportunity to promote your content to the main players in the market at EXPOSIBRAM2022.
Special guests of the exhibitor who are visiting EXPOSIBRAM will be able to attend the lectures, through an invitation sent by the company that acquired the space, in addition to those registered at the Congress and EXPOSIBRAM exhibitors.
The disclosure of the lecture may also be promoted directly by the contracting company, in addition to being included in the Official Program of the Congress, if contracted until August 5, 2022.
All the places for the lectures will be set up with chairs, sound system, screen and projector.
The room with up to 100 seats is located on the Foyer Level
Note: if the available times for this room are sold out, other rooms of smaller capacity will be opened with up to 60 seats.
Payment of the lease will be made by bank transfer until the 5th working day after sending the room lease form.

Available days: 12 to 15 September 2022
Available times: 2pm to 8pm, lectures every 50min
When filling in the form, please inform two or three time options, due to other reservations that may be made simultaneously.

Fill in the Interest Form and send it to the commercial team:

Access the sheet here.


+55 31 2626-8036 | ramal 203
+55 11 95292-0570 | Carolina Gimenes

+55 31 2626-8036 | ramal 204
+55 11 99917-7282 | Daniela Ramalho

+55 31 2626-8036 | ramal 205
+55 11 97618-2662 | Josiane Soares



Click here and access the list of EXPOSIBRAM 2022 exhibitors.



Editorial Support