IBRAM is a Brazilian private non-profit organization, with more than 160 associates responsible for 85% of Brazil´s mineral production. It carries with it the essence and strength of the true #BrazilianMining.
This mining is the one aligned with sustainability. Inductive of good ESG (environment, social responsibility and governance) practices in everything it does. Ethical and transparent in its relationships with people. Inclusive. Influential and partner in initiatives that promote socioeconomic development and quality of life for people in general.
All IBRAM´s actions are directed toward building a new perspective for the future of Brazilian Mining by outlining strategies and leading the sector´s transition to an even more productive scenario, with sustainability, safety and responsibility to all those around it.
In this sense, IBRAM works to strengthen the relationships between mining companies and their various publics, such as their professionals and suppliers, the government and society. It also works to connect the sector. Encourages innovation, disseminates knowledge, fosters and disseminates good practices, articulating business and development opportunities for the mining industry.
The Association is always open and willing to dialogue with other public and private organizations, with full knowledge of the facts, commitment and competence to listen, understand, propose, negotiate, motivate, engage and unite.
Sustainable, responsible, closer to people and partner of the Country´s development – this is the true #BrazilianMining.
Click here and read IBRAM´s Bylaws.
Click here and read IBRAM´s Code of Ethics and Conduct
Main activities
To defend the common interests of the mining sector along the Public Authorities (Executive, Legislative and Judiciary) in Brasília and in mining states and municipalities;
To anticipate risks and trends in the regulatory field – in the local and international context – which may threaten the competitiveness of Brazilian Mining and to work proactively in the process of building public policies;
To promote, in the Brazilian mining industry, sustainable development, best safety and occupational health practices in the workplace, corporate social responsibility and effective engagement of the communities in the territories where mining operates;
To develop research, statistics and studies related to mining economy, taxation, labor legislation, innovation, trends, risks and opportunities, in addition to other topics associated to the activities performed by the mining industry;
To foster Brazilian mining innovation, as well as the dissemination of the best practices and technologies available, in order to increase competitiveness of mining in a sustainable way;
To work subsidiarily in standardization actions focused on increasing the competitiveness of Brazilian ores in the international market;
To promote fairs, congresses, seminars and other events aiming at promoting and expanding the Brazilian mining industry, fostering the exchange of knowledge and the development of the mining production chain.
Presidency of IBRAM
Great names in Brazilian Mining have already being part of the Association and left their marks and contributions.

Raul Jungmann
2022 - current
Former Presidents

Flávio Ottoni Penido
2019 - 2022

Walter B. Alvarenga
2017 - 2019

José Fernando Coura
2012 - 2017

Paulo Camillo Vargas Penna
2006 - 2012

João Sérgio Marinho Nunes
1994 - 2002

Cyro Cunha Melo
1991 - 1994

João Sérgio Marinho Nunes
1987 - 1990

Sérgio Jacques de Moraes
1985 - 1986

Luis de Oliveira Castro
1983 - 1984

João Sérgio Marinho Nunes
1981 - 1982

Neuclayr Martins Pereira

Henrique Guatimossim
1979 - 1980

Henrique Anawate
1978 - 1979

Hélio Pentagna Guimarães
1976 - 1978