

The Committee for Mining International Standardization, headquartered at IBRAM-MG, has been developing, since 1994, an extensive program to support the participation of Brazilian companies in works for developing ISO and ABNT technical standards.

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The Special Program for Safety and Occupational Health in Mining (MINERAÇÃO Program) is a voluntary and pioneer initiative in the Brazilian Mining Industry.

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This is an initiative that has been developed by IBRAM since 2000 and represents a milestone in issues related to the sustainable development of mining, as it provides its participants with a strategic vision regarding the use of water resources.

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  • Strategic Planning Committee

    For recovering the reputation of the mining sector and showing to society the importance of this industry for the maintenance of modern life, IBRAM´s main focus is to work with responsibility and transparency. As part of the Association´s Strategic Planning, groups were created to establish actions for the resignification of the Brazilian Mining. The work began in June 2017 after a decision by the Administrative Board. The coordination of actions was the responsibility of the Strategic Planning Committee, which includes companies such as Nexa Resources and Anglo American, in addition to representatives of IBRAM´s technical staff, being assisted by the Sustainability and Regulatory Affairs Board.

  • Communications Committee

    Integrated by representatives of the associated mining companies, the Communications Committee has worked together with the Association to strengthen the image of the sector. Therefore, it has effective participation in developing positive arguments and strategic communication actions for the Association.

    The Committee also works to expand the reverberation of the projects and events organized by IBRAM, such as EXPOSIBRAM, which has been an important forum to bring the associates even closer to the Association´s daily routine, among other objectives. This Committee is coordinated by the Communications Board of IBRAM.

  • Sustainability Committee

    The Sustainability Committee brings together the Environment, Management and Sustainability of the companies associated to IBRAM. The Committee is coordinated by Vale and Nexa Resources representatives. IBRAM, represented by the Sustainability and Regulatory Affairs Board, is responsible for the executive secretariat.

    Some of the functions of the Committee are developing positions and strategic documents related to socioenvironmental topics and pointing out ways for the effective construction of IBRAM as a legitimate representative of the mining sector for strategic sustainability issues. It is worth mentioning the close relation between the Sustainability Committee, the Communications Committee and the Strategic Planning Committee as a way to build a joint agenda in favor of the sector.

  • Legal Committee

    The analysis of the legal scenario and all the proposals and issues of legal and technical nature related to mining activities are evaluated by IBRAM´s Legal Committee. The group meets periodically to study each point and suggest actions to be considered and decided by the Administrative and Executive Boards of the Association. This Committee is coordinated by the Sustainability and Regulatory Affairs Board. The Legal Committee also includes the Tax Working Group.

Working Groups

  • RelGov Working Group

    To face the new challenges, and especially for mapping the Legislative propositions and their monitoring, IBRAM established a Government Relations Working Group (RelGov WG), which became the center of the strategy and efforts to defend the interests of the mining sector. The RelGov WG worked intensely in 2019, especially through direct articulation with parliamentarians, development of mining industry propositions and organization of events and debates of interest to the sector. The WG works closely to CNI, especially along the Legislative Affairs Council (CAL) and the Infrastructure Council (COINFRA), formulating strategies to defend the interests of the mining sector. Other regular partners are FIEMG, FIESP, FIERJ and FIEG.