Brazil Mining ESG Agenda - IBRAM

Brazil Mining ESG Agenda

For decades, the mining industry in Brazil has invested efforts and resources to make the sector increasingly sustainable and responsible for everyone around it. The failures in mineral tailings dams, however, forced the industry to accelerate these measures.

In 2019, IBRAM publicly presented the Letter of Commitment Before Society (LINK TO A document that laid the foundations for a broad process of transformation of the Brazilian mineral sector, which has been ongoing ever since.

Under the leadership of IBRAM, the associated mining companies have been dedicated to establishing goals, deadlines and ways of reporting results to society as a whole. In this sectoral effort, unprecedented in Brazil, the Letter of Commitment Before Society evolved to become the ESG Agenda for Mining in Brazil.

This evolution was presented to the world during EXPOSIBRAM 2021, in November 2021, one of the most traditional and respected mining events in Latin America.

This Agenda is related to the 12 areas established in the Letter of Commitment:

      • ? Operational safety;
      • ? Tailing disposal dams and structures;
      • ? Occupational health and safety;
      • ? Mitigation of environmental impacts;
      • ? Local and future development of territories;
      • ? Community relationships;
      • ? Communication & reputation;
      • ? Diversity & inclusion;
      • ? Innovation;
      • ? Water;
      • ? Energy;
      • ? Waste Management.

Most of the goals of this Agenda must be met by 2030. There are already sectoral definitions to reduce water and energy consumption; expand access to renewable energy; improve process safety; improve relationships with communities; zero accidents with deaths; increase the participation of women in all hierarchical positions.

Dozens of mining companies associated with IBRAM form part of the work groups, each responsible for setting goals and indicators aimed at making the mining sector, as a whole, more sustainable, safe and responsible.

The Mineração do Brasil ESG Agenda represents the new perception of this sectoral movement, anchored in a document formulated from a corporate union never seen before in the mining industry. It has the quality of making it much easier for all audiences to understand what the mining industry is building.

It is essential that society, in general, have the exact idea of the dimension and responsibility involved in this sectoral project. The involvement of people, inside and outside the mining universe, is what will support all the achievements to be recorded over the years.

On the IBRAM website in Portuguese you have access to more content.