Water Resources WG

The Water Resources Agenda is an initiative that has been developed by IBRAM since 2000 and represents a historic landmark for issues related to sustainable development in mining, particularly with regards to monitoring the implementation of the National Water Resources Policy, during which IBRAM participates in forums held by the National Water Resource Management System (SINGREH).

Through means of this initiative, the mining sector is currently represented in the main River Basin Committees (RBC) in activities carried out at both the state and federal level, as well as with bodies involved the development and implementation of public policy, such as the the National Water Resources Council (CNRH) and the State Water Resources Councils (CERH).

IBRAM’s participation in a specific RBC takes place through means of a request that is formalized by a company associated with the Sustainability Committee. It is important to note that representation of IBRAM in these forums is carried out through means of employees from associated companies that understand the importance of the participation of their team in the development of public policy regarding water resources.

IBRAM’s representation within SINGREH currently takes place in the following manner:
? interim position with CNRH
? Technical Board for Dam Safety – CTSB/CNRH
? Technical Board for Education, Science, and Technology – CECT/CNRH
? permanent position with CERH-MG
? Technical Board for Management Instruments – CTIG /CERH-MG
? Technical Board for Legal Instruments – CTIL /CERH-MG
? permanent position with CERH-PA
? Environmental Education Board – CERH-PA
? RBC for the Paracatu River (MG)
? RBC for the Paraopebas River (MG)
? RBC for the Rio das Velhas river (MG)
? RBC for the Araguari River (MG)
? Technical Chamber for Grants and Fees CTOC/RBC ARAGUARI
? RBC for Guaíba Lake (RS)
? RBC for the Rio Doce river (federal level)
? RBC for São Francisco River (federal level)

? Who can participate:
– representatives from registered IBRAM members [mining companies] and associates [companies involved in the mining sector’s production chain]
– other companies that have been previously referred by the mining companies participating on the Committee.
? Meeting frequency: in accordance with the date of each specific forum held.
? IBRAM Coordinating Body: IBRAM’s Directorate for Sustainability and Regulatory Issues
Contact information: julio.nery@ibram.org.br / claudia.dias@ibram.org.br