Voluntary Safety and Health Initiative

The Special Program for Safety and Occupational Health in Mining (MINERAÇÃO Program) is a voluntary and pioneer initiative in the Brazilian Mining Industry. Developed and coordinated by the Brazilian Mining Association (IBRAM), the MINERAÇÃO Program was created with the objective of meeting the needs of companies in the mining sector, regardless of their size, aiming at reducing the number of occupational accidents and encouraging the sector´s sustainability.

The Program develops actions that encourage the prevention of accidents in the workplace and seeks to minimize the main Safety and Occupational Health (SOH) risks in the mining segment. In addition, it promotes the creation of risk management systems, organizes training and exchange of good practices, and maintains a database with statistical information that is periodically updated on accidents specific to the sector, among other actions.

The production of the technical contents of MINERAÇÃO is based on the main Mining Regulatory Standards, especially NR-22/MTE and NRM/DNPM, as well as international standards.



  • To be recognized as the industrial sector with the best Safety and Occupational Health results in Brazil.



  • To promote the improvement of the Safety and Occupational Health culture and management in the mining industries installed in Brazil, and their contractors, aiming at contributing to Sustainable Development, in search of continuous improvement of performance, through the effective participation of the various stakeholders.

To learn more about the program, visit