Every successful entrepreneur knows that the essence of business triumph is the access to reliable information at the right time, as well as to the best technologies and management, administrative, fiscal and tax process models.

By joining IBRAM, the return is immediate. The associate can count on permanent advisory related to the future scenarios of Brazilian Mining and participation in special programs. Another advantage is the discount in courses and seminars, in addition to priority and special conditions for renting space in the prestigious events held by the Association.

As a private non-profit organization, of voluntary affiliation, IBRAM´s primary concern is that its associates have access to a variety of products and services that are important for their growth and decisive in improving their productivity and profitability. Thus, the associate is assured that the resources invested will be used for promoting the sector.

IBRAM´s associates include mining companies, employer´s associations, Mineral, Environmental and Geological Engineering companies, equipment manufacturers, technology centers, development banks, among others. There are more than 200 associates that, directly or indirectly, are part of the Brazilian mining activity.

Our benefits

The world market is more competitive every day. In order to survive and grow, the economic sectors must expand their knowledge and seek new technologies to be able to realize opportunities and face antagonisms. Furthermore, it is essential, in all activities, to meet the new demands of society, especially those related to sustainability. Learn about IBRAM´s benefits.


How to become an associate?

To become an associate, it is necessary to fill out a form with information about the general characteristics of your company. After reviewing the parameters informed in the proposal submitted, IBRAM will contact the applicant company, detailing the value of the contribution proposed and will await a reply with the formal acceptance.


Contribution to activities

The associates contribute to IBRAM with monthly fees which vary according to the size of each company, calculated using the parameters obtained by filling out our Affiliation Proposal.

The association will only be effectively characterized upon the payment of the affiliation fee (equivalent to one monthly fee), sent with other documents related to the process, after the approval of the aforementioned proposal.

IMPORTANT: By determination of the Association´s bylaws, only proposals from legally constituted entities will be accepted.